25 July 2009


Cream Squad?? Cream Squad? Look, I can respect that schools out, the weather's finally decent, and all the summer jobs have been taken by out of work 30-somethings, so there's not much left for the local youths to do but form a gang. I get that. But kids, you have got to come up with a better name. Unless your gang activities involve pay per view and using mom's tissues at an alarming rate- in which case carry on and well played- I suggest you attempt to preserve your dignity. Try something with a letter/ number combo. That usually sounds more threatening.

weather: sunny, mid 80's
location: view map
somewhat relevant local news story: reports of gang graffiti on the rise
mode of transportation: flip flops


  1. A dude from Hawaii's notorious "Choom Gang" is now the President of the United States. Only time will tell what prodigies this Cream Squad is capable of.

  2. I tried and failed the other day to point this out to you. Hopefully the comment gods favor me today. I'll just use name/url instead of OpenID.

    CREAM Team

  3. wow, what choppy writing that was. shame on me.
