30 July 2009


Oh man, did I ever call it about the tiny horse hostile take over!
Recently Jon Stewart interviewed Spinal Tap, and guess what Nigel Tufnel has been up to? Raising tiny horses!!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Spinal Tap
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

learn something

Saw this box of slide carousals on Mass Ave. If it wasn't all soaking wet, I might have been tempted to poke around and see what they were slides of, but I don't like getting dirty during before noon, so I didn't. The box is clearly marked "Free!! Learn Something!" Learn something? What could be on those slides? Mid 1950's sex ed information? Awkward family vacation pictures where Uncle Ron admits he's killed a man in Tennesee? The truth about the first man on the moon?

climate: sunny, mid 80's, post downpour humidity
location: view map
somewhat relevant local news story:
Cambridge is looking for a new member for the Human Rights Committee.
mode of transportation: sneakers

29 July 2009

public library

I've always liked the way this utility box on Mass Ave is painted. The books might not be real, but the hours are way more convenient than the local branch of the public library. Also, right after I took this picture I was accosted by those two vultures in red. They wanted me to "save the children." Save the children? Please. Those children better learn to save themselves, and fast, if these annoying leeches are the champion of their cause.

climate: sunny, mid 80's
location: view map
somewhat relevant local news story:
City Council meeting minutes. I particularly enjoyed the last item of business. I hope you all know that after we vote for these people, we pay them, right? And they just got raises. They make like $70k and its considered a part time job. And this is what they discuss at meetings.
mode of transportation: flip flops.

28 July 2009


"Oh man, I busted up some of the curb by accident when I was cutting the street up to do repairs."

"Uh-oh, not good! You're going to have to pull out that entire piece of granite curb and replace it. And that's a rounded curb, too, so its not going to be cheap or easy!"

"Yeah, I know. But there must be an alternative to fixing my mistake correctly. What should I do?"

"How about you just shove a brick in there, slap some asphalt around it, and lets go get a beer?"

"Done and done."

climate: sunny, high 80's
location: view map
somewhat relevant local news story: concrete RR ties falling apart
mode of transportation: flip flops

27 July 2009

a horse is a horse, of course, of course

Watch out, Cambridge. Looks like things are getting medieval around here. You might think this is just a toy that some kid accidentally left on the side of a planter, but I wouldn't be so sure. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a sign of a mini revolution. A hostile invasion of plastic goth horses in mid Cambridge might be about to take place. And I can't say that we don't deserve it.

climate: sunny, mid 80's
location: view map
somewhat relevant local news story: nothing good out there, so here. study up on your future ruler.
mode of transportation: flip flops

25 July 2009


Cream Squad?? Cream Squad? Look, I can respect that schools out, the weather's finally decent, and all the summer jobs have been taken by out of work 30-somethings, so there's not much left for the local youths to do but form a gang. I get that. But kids, you have got to come up with a better name. Unless your gang activities involve pay per view and using mom's tissues at an alarming rate- in which case carry on and well played- I suggest you attempt to preserve your dignity. Try something with a letter/ number combo. That usually sounds more threatening.

weather: sunny, mid 80's
location: view map
somewhat relevant local news story: reports of gang graffiti on the rise
mode of transportation: flip flops

true story

Here's how to play:

1. I observe something while I'm out and about that I determine is crazy or otherwise interesting.
2. I take a picture, in doing so possibly embarrassing/enraging the crazy/interesting subject.
3. I tell you all about it here in a witty and sarcastic manner, including a map location so you can witness for yourself if you don't believe me.
4. You keep coming back for more, tell your friends, leave me lots of comments, and become my biggest fan.

If you'd like a head start on the game, you should check out my first blog Field Report. If you witnessed something you feel I should let the world know about, send me your pic and your post. I'd love to have some guest posters.
